Spring in Spanish: Free Lessons on Spring Flowers en español

In this post: Find everything you need to teach your kids all about spring flowers en español! This post contains affiliate links. 

Spring has sprung and it’s a great time to head outside with your Spanish lessons! Learning Spanish in nature is such an easy way to bring the language to life, and it can really help your children connect more as they go. This post will help you explore the wonders of spring flowers while expanding your Spanish vocabulary with Spanish songs for kids, bilingual books, and a new episode of my Spanish podcast for kids ¡Hola Nature!

Let’s jump in and learn all about spring flowers in Spanish. 

Table of Contents

Identifying Spring Flowers in Spanish

First we will start by learning different names of spring flowers in Spanish! Remember this post is text-to-speech supported specifically in Spanish! That means you can highlight any word you want to hear, then click the blue speaker icon, and you can listen to the word read to you in Spanish. It’s such a great way to learn new vocabulary. 

  • Las flores de primavera – Spring flowers
  • El narciso – The daffodil
  • El diente de león – The dandelion
  •  La pensamiento – The pansy
  • El iris – The iris
  • La violeta silvestre – The wild violet
  • La campanilla – The bluebell
  • El jacinto – The hyacinth
  • La peonía – The peony
  • El lilo – The lilac
  • El tulipán – The tulip
  • El ranúnculo – The ranunculus
  • La anémona – The anemone
  • El botón de oro – The buttercup

Tune in to the 21st Episode of ¡Hola Nature! Spanish Podcast for Kids

This episode is all about spring blooms. Bring your Spanish outside with you as you learn more about flores de primavera with your favorite characters! Get ready for a fun spring party with my pesky hamsters, Nacho and Pip, and have fun learning a Spanish poem about flowers with the forest fairies. This is an outdoor adventure you don’t want to miss! 

Spanish Poem for Kids about Spring Flowers

Learning poetry and rhymes in Spanish is an amazing way to help kids practice complex sentence structures and new vocabulary in a low-pressure way. Learn this short Spanish poem about a dandelion line by line with your kids or students, and you’ll be amazed at what they can remember! 

El Diente de León

Lindo diente de león,
Luminosa rueda,
Miras al querido sol
Que en ti se queda.

Si le soplas a esta flor,
Saltan sus semillas
Y colando con ardor
Centellean y brillan. 


Lovely dandelion, 
dazzling wheel, 
You gaze upon the beloved sun
That lives within you. 

If you blow on this flower, 
Its seeds will jump, 
And drifting with ardor, 
They twinkle and shine.

Spring Nature Study in Spanish

Nature study is one of the best ways to spark curiosity, observation skills, and language learning—all at the same time. When kids engage with the natural world, they ask questions, make connections, and develop a richer vocabulary. And what better season than spring to embrace outdoor learning? With flowers blooming, birds chirping, and everything coming back to life, it’s the perfect time to commit to getting outside more and weaving Spanish into your daily explorations.

If you’re looking for a way to bring structure, inspiration, and focus to your Spanish nature study this spring, my courses Cuentos Conmigo and Spanish in the Wild are just what you need!

Cuentos Conmigo

Cuentos Conmigo blends storytelling, hands-on activities, and seasonal themes to make Spanish learning feel natural and engaging. Spring lessons include topics like plant life cycles, pollinators, and the beauty of wildflowers—all explored through immersive, interactive experiences.

Spanish in the Wild

Spanish in the Wild is a full-year nature study course designed to help kids learn Spanish while exploring the outdoors. Spring is a wonderful time to dive into lessons on flowering trees, backyard birds, frog life cycles and more, with activities that make language learning feel like an adventure.

Spanish Flower Songs

Keep learning more about spring flowers in Spanish with these fun songs for kids! There’s just something special about combining music with language learning, especially when it involves the beauty of nature. Enjoy singing and learning these songs with your kids as you explore las flores de primavera!

My Favorite Books about Flowers in Spanish & English

Spring Flowers Crafts for Kids

In my eyes, no Spanish lesson with kids is complete without some fun artwork or craft! Check out these fun and engaging Spanish flower crafts that you can do to help bring your Spanish nature lesson inside. 

That’s all I have for you today familias! Hopefully this post helps you feel confident and ready to learn all about spring flowers in Spanish with your little ones. Whether you’re listening to my Spanish podcast in the car, working on one of these fun spring flower crafts at home, or reading bilingual books before bed, I hope this free lesson guide on spring flowers in Spanish helps you learn even more Spanish outside with your children or students! 

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